This whitepaper explores Rolta’s unique value proposition through its Rolta OneView™ Enterprise Suite, which includes Rolta’s patented Rolta IT-OT Fusion™. This becomes a critical lever for enabling a prebuilt, rapidly deployable solution within weeks for achieving Operational Excellence.
How IT and Operational Technology in Utilities can be orchestrated to deliver superior performance
Organizations that have adopted an enterprise BI suite as their corporate standard need to plan and migrate their existing BI applications on to this enterprise BI suite to truly achieve efficiencies.
Analytics Product Excellence Matrix
A white paper, showcasing the case study of Alabama Power Company’s GIS Update.
Evaluating if you’re ready and how best to get there
How to maximize results while minimizing efforts and cost of application testing
Leveraging Operational Intelligence to Improve Service Reliability and Customer Satisfaction
India has emerged as one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with economic growth in excess of 7.5 percent over the last five years. While the services sector has been the major driver of growth, significant growth has been witnessed in the industrial sector (including utility supplies).
Interest in analytics and business intelligence(BI) software has surged over last few years.