Rolta DTM Collection



Rolta DTM Collection: An Interactive Method for Collecting Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Data

Rolta DTM Collection is a comprehensive solution for collecting digital terrain model (DTM) data, elevation points and break lines in stereo models, on a Stereo Photograph Workstation.


  • Allows editing of existing DTM data and visualization of TIN surface and contour manifestations of these edits
  • Feature table allows users to define their geomorphic features and thus manage multiple mapping jobs with similar or unique symbology
  • Enables collection of regular grids, break lines, mass points and other geomorphic features
  • Allows editing of the data collected within or DTM data coming from other geomorphic features
  • While editing, the surface may be represented as points, a TIN surface, or contours
  • Provides ability to edit DTM points and have either the TIN surface or contour updates in 3D in real time


  • Provides flexibility to re-define parameters of geomorphic features for individual projects
  • Visual detection for trouble area analysis and editing
  • Dynamic editing to reduce edit times by providing instant feedback
  • Reduced collection time by outlining and passing over obscure areas
  • Terrain collection integrated into stereo environment