Rolta Base Rectify: An Interactive and Batch Oriented Programme for Orthorectification of Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images
Rolta offers an easy to use orthophoto production package, comprising of two major components – Orthorectification and Mosaicking – which help generate high quality orthorectified image mosaics.
Orthorectified imagery produced by Rolta’s Base Rectify software can be used as input for soft copy and hard copy image map and orthophoto map production. The software enables accurate seam lines to be placed quickly and easily using the real-time image update with multiple view capability. Rolta Base Rectify provides an intuitive work flow depicting the project management and image status features.
- OrthoRectification utilizes DEM for terrain correction with various re-sampling options viz., NNB, Bilinear Interpolation, Cubic Convolution, 8-pt & 16pt SinX/X, Average filter, Median filter, Gaussian filter and User-defined filter etc.
- Options available to change the sampling interval for faster processing as well as delayed and batch processing
- Exterior orientation from other aerial triangulation programs can be imported
- Inbuilt clipping generates orthophotos of user definable sizes
- Mosaicking allows the creation of seamless mosaics of both orthophotos and unreferenced images.
- Equipped with tools to manually define mosaic area and collect cut lines
- Options provided for seam blending, colour balancing, flexible re-sampling and advanced statistical based global colour and intensity balancing.
- Interactive orthophoto area select routine
- Intuitive project definition
- Simple ROI (region of interest) output definition
- Uses standard TIFF non proprietary image format
- Fast output generation
- Ability to reduce/increase sample resolution of final images
- Support for 8/24 bit TIFF raster or tiled images
- Full control over balancing computation parameters