Situational Awareness – Section: Providing real time Situational Awareness to Section Commanders
Situational Awareness – Section is a module of Rolta BMS Section, developed for Section Commanders intended to cover precisely the vital Sitiational Awareness functions required by every Section Commander in the field to enhance his ‘operational capabilities’.
Situational Awareness Section is developed for Section Commanders intended to cover precisely the vital SA functions required by every Section Commander in the field to enhance his ‘operational
capabilities’. It is custom-built to meet the needs of the Section Commanders in the Indian Army’s combat echelons at the forward edge of the battlefield, besides providing them near real time situational awareness and a comprehensive ‘Common Tactical Picture’. It offers him the vital answers to his basic questions – ‘Where am I?’, ‘Where are my buddies ’, ‘Where is the enemy?’ and ‘Where do I need to go?’ on a fully rugged, lightweight, wrist worn display.
Key Points
- Own position in the centre of the display
- Relative position of team/section members
- Options of Combat Display/ Map/ Imagery
- Relative positions of enemy
- Facility to mark routes for navigation
- Easy targeting and observation
- Navigation to waypoints
- Predefined text messages and templates
- Integration of sensors such as HHTIs, TIIOEs, NVDs
- Effective SA tool for the Section Commander
- Reduced decision action cycle within the Section facilitating faster reaction capability
- Enhances information handling ability of individual soldiers and strengthen information exchange internally within the Section
- Enables essential operational situational awareness and decision support functions at a Section level
- Integrates all requisite sensors
- Transmission of orders to individual soldiers
- Facilitates generation of a route and navigation
- Facilitates effective methods to avoid fratricide