Situational Awareness – Command: Providing a comprehensive Common Operational Picture to Combat Commanders
Situational Awareness – Command is a module of Rolta BMS Command. It provides an important aid to Battalion and Company Commanders by providing them complete Situational Awareness of their own and friendly units in a real time tactical environment.
Situational Awareness Command provides an important aid to Battalion and Company Commanders which provides them complete Situational Awareness of their own and friendly units. It is custom-built to meet the needs of Battalion and Company Commanders in the Indian Army’s combat echelons at the forward edge of the battlefield, besides providing them near real time update and a comprehensive ‘Common Tactical Picture’. The product facilitates, simplifies and automates the exchange of C2 information and data.
Key Points
- Blue Force Tracking (BFT) provides a common picture of the location of friendly forces
- Exchange of BFT information across hierarchies and affiliations through auto replication mechanism
- Computation of location of entities by alternate means with comparable accuracies in case GPS services are disrupted
- Integration of all surveillance sensors held at the unit level
- Sensor Integration interface to display live video streaming, enables recording and saving of videos and capture snapshots
- Display – enemy direction on top of Force Symbol
- Tactical and Terrain Symbology to mark on the map to represent SA
- Alerts to all entities regarding major Terrain changes having major operational implications in terms of threat (e.g. Bridge marked on map that has been destroyed)
- Facility for amendment of terrain attributes by appropriate authority on receipt of inputs
- Integration of sensors such as HHTIs, TIIOEs,NVDs on platforms etc
- Facility to invoke Enemy/NBC alert by Force
- Marking of observed enemy activity using appropriate symbols and attributes, display them at their accurate geolocations and disseminate them to all BMS entities in the network and hierarchy
- Facility to mark threats such as IEDs, Mines, booby traps etc using appropriate symbols
- Tactical Messaging (Text & Graphical) with Predefined message templates
- Facility to assign a user pre-fed danger area to each type of threat
- Alerts for vehicles approaching location of a reported threat before reaching any diversion short of the threat
- Automatic inclusion of all observed enemy activities/ threats in the situation reports
- Generation of auto messages to units affected by NBC fallout, taking met conditions also into account
- Ability to plot a target laser-ed by a connected device like HHTI onto map
- Multi Sensor Data Fusion providing collection of different type of data from different sensors,fusion and validation of this data and dissemination of the validated output to forces down the hierarchy
- Up-to-date & accurate SA and CTP
- Better understanding of the situation and coordination within the units
- Reduced Work flow time
- Reduced Training costs
- Reduced decision action cycle within a Battalion Group/Combat Group facilitating faster reaction capability
- Enhances information handling ability of commanders at all levels within a Battalion Group/Combat Group
- Facilitates effective methods to avoid fratricide