An integrated solution for managing city operations, providing better living, safety and security to citizens
Rolta OneView™, Your roadmap to success
- Strategic Imperatives and Transformation in Energy & Utilities. Rolta’s newsletter featuring Gartner researchRolta OneView™ – Integrated solution for smarter & accelerated transformation
With Rolta OneView™ Enterprise Suite
A comprehensive solution approach
- Consumerising Data Science and Predictive Analytics for Superior Business Outcomes. Rolta’s newsletter featuring Gartner researchThe way forward to Digital Business
- Capitalize on Big Data and the Industrial Internet of Things. Rolta’s newsletter featuring Gartner researchRolta’s 5 steps to unlocking the full potential and ROI of IT/OT integration and achieving real business benefits
Gaining Integrated Business Insight with Rolta OneView™ and SAP® Software
Bahrain’s Ministry of Works is a federal government Ministry, responsible for public works in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
A Power Transmission Company in USA had embarked on a program for operational intelligence to enhance the way it monitors and responds to operational functions that impact these Key Performance Indicators.
A large electricity distribution company wanted to overhaul its two decades old legacy systems. Major areas of concerns included diverse technology & data management built over years.
A leading multi-site petrochemical company wanted to deploy a system that would drive their operational excellence initiative.
A North American Specialty Chemicals Company wanted to automate their analytics for Overall Equipment Effectiveness as they were facing several challenges with their existing manual processes
A large global provider of specialty chemicals for the transportation, industrial, and consumer markets based in North America was looking for a solution to analyze their quality performance across thousands of products.
One of the largest and fastest growing independent oil and gas exploration and production companies engaged a Rolta OneView™ implementation. Their challenge was that 20% of wells reported downtime on a daily basis, an equivalent of 60000 barrels of production loss and even a 1% improvement would result in US $17.5 M of revenue.
One of the largest Oil & Gas Conglomerate in Middle East recognized the critical need for transforming the information ecosystem augmenting collaboration and transparency in their pursuit of excellence.
A power transmission company in USA had embarked on a program for operational intelligence to enhance the way it monitors and responds to operational functions that impact their key performance indicators.
A large electricity distribution company in UK wanted to overhaul its two decades old legacy systems with a view to modernize and solve specific challenges
A global refinery major was looking to leverage operational intelligence to improve plant reliability and minimize down-time.
A large Fortune 500 company petroleum refinery and distributor of petroleum products was looking for a solution to overcome some of the business challenges they were facing.
A Major Petrochemicals manufacturing organization in the Middle East was looking for an integrated business intelligence solution to help them achieve operational excellence across their business functions.
Salalah Methanol Company (SMC), an Oman-based methanol production facility, wanted to have transparency and cross-functional visibility as well as a unified enterprise view of information to achieve operational excellence.
One of the largest Oil & Gas Conglomerate in Middle East recognized the critical need for transforming the information ecosystem augmenting collaboration and transparency in their pursuit of excellence.
One of the largest and fastest growing independent oil and gas exploration and production companies engaged a Rolta OneView™ implementation. Their challenge was that 20% of wells reported downtime on a daily basis, an equivalent of 60000 barrels of production loss and even a 1% improvement would result in US $17.5 M of revenue.
A large global provider of specialty chemicals for the transportation, industrial, and consumer markets based in North America was looking for a solution to analyze their quality performance across thousands of products.
A North American Specialty Chemicals Company wanted to automate their analytics for Overall Equipment Effectiveness as they were facing several challenges with their existing manual processes
Driving Operational Excellence through IT-OT Integration and pre-built Big Data Analytics
Driving Operational Excellence through IT-OT Integration and pre-built Big Data Analytics
Driving Operational Excellence through IT-OT Integration and pre-built Big Data Analytics
Driving Operational Excellence through IT-OT Integration and pre-built Big Data Analytics
Driving Operational Excellence through IT-OT Integration and pre-built Big Data Analytics
Analytics in a box for asset intensive industries
Driving operational excellence through IT OT Integration and pre-built analytics.
In the journey to increase the BI maturity of an organization, a comprehensive approach needs to be considered.
Rolta OneView™ Complete Solution for Accelerating Your Business Intelligence Maturity Roadmap
Gaining Integrated Business Insight with Rolta OneView™ and SAP® Software.
Operational Analytics and AIM: The Foundation for Operational Excellence in Process Industries
ARC Strategies
Oil and Gas Information Technology Enabling Operational Excellence
Alabama Power Gains Valuable Insights into Process Improvement Opportunities through Better Access to Key Operational Data Across Business Functions
Gaining Integrated Business Insight with Rolta OneView™ and SAP® Software
In their pursuit of excellence and promoting transparency within the organization, a leading petrochemical company desired to automate the performance management and empower people with the analytics.
A Power Transmission Company in USA had embarked on a program for operational intelligence to enhance the way it monitors and responds to operational functions that impact these Key Performance Indicators.
A global oil & gas company owning 8 refineries wanted to increase the overall reliability of its plants and have better predictability and prevention of asset failures.
A leading multi-site petrochemical company wanted to deploy a system that would drive their operational excellence initiative.
A large electricity distribution company wanted to overhaul its two decades old legacy systems.
A large water distribution utility company wanted to streamline its regulatory reporting, and operational performance.
Driving operational excellence through IT OT Integration and pre-built analytics.