Advisory Services – Horizontal: Advisory Services for Meeting Specific Business Needs
Rolta offers a comprehensive range of Advisory services including Fusion Advisory services, Security Advisory services, ERP Advisory services, and Business Intelligence Advisory Services.
ERP Advisory Services
Rolta’s ERP Advisory services assist clients through out the life cycle of an ERP deployment, starting from Package selection, RFP creation, Third party product selections, Program Management and program office setup, ERP implementation, Process mapping, pre-Implementation review, post implementation review and support, R12 Upgrades, Enterprise Integration and Business Intelligence.
Rolta can install your first EBS implementation or upgrade an older system. As part of the process,Rolta works with your business, functional, and technical teams to identify available functionality, select which features to use, and plan how to implement them to optimize your investment and reach your business goals.
Security Advisory Services
Understanding the true security need is the biggest challenges every industry is facing. Security cannot be just defined using an industry leading product and solution; however it requires combination of solutions build on top of products with rights sets of processes and people. Industry is facing major challenge around growing identities & data in meshed heterogeneous network/system, which is prone to recurring cyber attacks & data theft.
Rolta proven Advisory service assist customer in evaluating and defining right sets of solution and processes. We provide services like Readiness Assessment to measure and evaluate the current security landscape, define strategy & Roadmap, develop Security blueprint, Assist customer is evaluating rights set of solutions and vendors. The strategic approach facilitate forecasting and developing maturity model, to quickly enable business expansion by providing common Platform, which will help CSO,CISO to easily manage and monitor risk.
Fusion Advisory Services
Rolta Fusion practice offers to build components / modules on top of existing out of box EBS modules/Oracle Applications using OA Framework. Thus it ensures that business processes align with what is practiced. It also helps one to adapt to new changes that happen due to market changes and business growth.
If existing applications do not follow how business process needs them, one should waste effort trying to work around the solution which may introduce inefficiencies. Rolta’s Fusion Practice offers to design, code and implement an application to provide the ideal solution without jeopardizing one’s existing IT Infrastructure based on Oracle Applications / EBS. These can be designed for a wide range of requirements and provide secure and efficient solution. Our Fusion Practice can study your unique business needs and offer a most suited solution for it.
Business Intelligence Advisory Services
Rolta provides comprehensive and trusted Business Intelligence (BI) related advisory services to help organizations make better decisions that result in purposeful growth and increasing value for shareholders. We can help organizations achieve their goal of better business performance through improved planning, budgeting, forecasting as well as profitability and risk analysis and improved transparency with timely and strategically aligned KPIs. In the process, Rolta helps them reduce their risk exposure through effective information management, data consolidation and data governance, improved data quality and reduced manual intervention. At the same time, we help clients increase their operational efficiency through use of integrated and strategically aligned tools and solutions, improved master data management and improved infrastructure. We provide advisory services in the areas of BI framework/roadmap, data governance and master data management, Enterprise performance management, financial consolidation, Information management, Data quality, KPI identification and visualization and infrastructure assessment.