Rolta Mil SDK: Development Tool for Powerful Terrain Analysis for Combat Commanders
A Developer Tool Kit for Geospatial Military Applications like war-gaming, depicting blue force tracking and dynamically changing tactical situations.
Rolta Mil SDK Terrain Analysis web services along with the Java APIs can be used by other programs to perform terrain analysis.
Rolta Mil SDK lists the available terrain analysis Web services and their respective WSDL URLs. It also lists the additional web services that are available in the SDK. These Web services are wrappers over Rolta MilSDK Java APIs and developed using JAXWS (Metro, Sun reference implementation, https://jax-ws.java.net/) framework.
A table is provided which lists the existing Web services and their WSDL URLs. Users can use these WSDLs to generate their own Web service clients.
- Perform various queries like Spatial, Attribute etc.
- Fully customizable environment
- Diverse API usage
- Detailed Web Services Interface list
- Extensive functionality including – Almanac Generation, Elevation Readout, Line of Sight, Shaded Relief, Min-Max Elevation, Surface Distance, Color Coded, Weather Analysis, Shortest Path, User Log, Shortest Path by Node, Delete Overlay, Create Overlay, Publish Overlay etc.