Rolta Mil GIS: A Solution for Map Data Display & Analysis
Rolta MIL GIS is a custom built extremely responsive and lightweight Militarized GIS especially designed for use in Battlefield environs. It exploits cutting edge geospatial technologies to deliver unbelievably high quality display, visualization and analysis capabilities.
Recognizing that ‘terrain’ is the most important to a soldier operating on terra firma and the paramount need for ‘lightness’ and ‘responsiveness’ of the Geographical Information System (GIS) used in C4I Systems deployed at the forward edge of the battlefield, the Rolta MIL GIS is a custom built extremely responsive and lightweight Militarized GIS especially designed for use in these environs.
It exploits cutting edge geospatial technologies to deliver unbelievably high quality display, visualization and analysis capabilities. These include advanced 3D visualization and analysis of all types of terrain, enabling planners to optimize the deployment of their troops.
The Rolta Mil GIS enables Commanders and Soldiers operating in the Tactical Battle Area to optimize their operations as per the ‘ground’. It enables them to analyze and exploit terrain virtually in as much detail as they do today through physical reconnaissance –thus saving tremendously in time and effort and enhancing their ‘op capabilities’ while drastically cutting down their OODA loop.
Key Features
- OGC Compliant, extremely responsive and ‘light’
- Seamless integration of legacy geospatial data
- Dynamic Display of Raster, Vector and Elevation map data
- Full range of tools such as pan, zoom and re-center
- Powerful Terrain Analysis tools and features giving results in the form required by combat soldiers
- 2D & 3D Terrain Visualization of maps and imageries
- 3D Fly-through, Drive-through and Walk-through facility
- Efficient Navigation and measurement tools
- Support for DVD terrain symbology
- GPS & IP Camera Integration
- Almanac Support
- Logical Spatial and Attribute Query
- Enables preparation of Intelligent Military Overlays with Indian Military symbology
- Enables speedy decision making by Commanders
Rolta Mil GIS is a high end enterprise solution which has the capability to import raster,vector, elevation & other data of different formats into the database server with an adequately designed schema. Rolta Mil GIS facilitates geospatial data publishing using the AutoGPR tool,specifically made to address the DVD based DGN data publishing helping the military applications.
- Rolta Mil Web Server – For Publishing raster and vector data
- Rolta Mil Map Viewer – For visualization of data in Browser
- Rolta Mil SDK – For Advanced Operations
Rolta Mil Web Server offers a suite of resources and tools for working with spatial data and the web. It allows running powerful queries on both spatial and attributes information, through OGC Web Services (WMS, WFS, WFS (T) and WCS) enabling faster on-site action and implementation.
Rolta Mil Map Viewer application enables a wide variety of measurement and analytical operations over terrain data and derives meaningful geographic outputs which help in further decision making. It is equipped with various visualization, navigation and analysis services to generate quality outputs for obtaining tactical information.
Rolta Mil SDK lists the available terrain analysis Web services and their respective WSDL URLs. It also lists the additional web services that are available in the SDK. These Web services are wrappers over Rolta Mil SDK Java APIs and developed using JAXWS (Metro, Sun reference implementation) framework.
- Fully indigenous, with IP owned by Rolta. No external dependencies for support and upgrades
- Smarter and realistic visualization of geospatial information. Tiling scheme cuts out any latencies
- OS agnostic application reducing dependencies on platform
- Acts as central geospatial data repository which can be encashed for data Ingestion at any time
- Interfaces seamlessly with other Tac C3I systems
- 2D & 3D GIS provides users access to Data & Analysis capabilities
- Analysis capabilities for real time decision making and to support KB algorithms
- Spatial data display ,analysis and editing generates quality output for obtaining terrain information
- OGC compliant gateways allow for building flexible Distributed Systems