Rolta BMS Soldier: Bringing the soldier integrated C4I to improve his combat effectiveness in real time
Rolta BMS Soldier is a fully indigenously developed software solution for dismounted operations that enhances situational awareness of soldiers and is seamlessly integrated with a display device providing Blue Force Tracking of team members.
Rolta BMS Soldier is a fully indigenously developed software solution for dismounted operations that enhances situational awareness of
soldiers. It is seamlessly integrated with a display device providing Blue Force Tracking of team members, routes with waypoints, alerts &
observations and predefined message templates.
The Soldier’s Basic Needs
Where am I ?
Where are my buddies ?
Where is the enemy ?
Where am I to go ?
Rolta BMS Soldier Features
- Use easier than a mobile phone!
- Own location at the centre of display screen
- Combat display / Map / Image
- Section/ team soldiers at their correct locations
- Mark and ‘send’ the enemy’s position
- Target ‘hand-off’ facility
- Mark the Route & Way-points and Navigate
- Predefined short alert Messages
- Mil Symbols & Freehand drawing tool
- Integrates with the soldier’s Sensors
Rolta BMS Section provides:
- Real time Situational Awareness (SA) for dismounted troops
- Simple and Handy for quick operation
- Seamless Integration with Software at higher levels up to Battalion
- Easily integrated for optional sensors
- Configure easily for each role and mission
- Target Handoff
- Quick Information Exchange without voice dependency
- Ingestion and Display of Military Map Data
- Remote Purging of data and secure Log-In features
Rolta BMS Soldier has the following functionalities
- Geospatial Data Display
- Blue Force Tracking
- Route Navigation
- Sensor Integration
- Pre- Defined Tactical Mesaging
- Marking tools for ‘observed threats’
- Observed Enemy Inputs & Alerts
Technology Features
OS Support: Designed for cross platform usage (independent of loaded OS, system specs and software).
Data Formats Support: All OGC stipulated standards compliance. Support for all spatial databases and can be tuned to get the optimal read/write performance with these databases.
Military Messaging Standards: Subset of USMTF/VMF as applicable to the Indian Army.
Military Symbology Support: Indian Military Symbology built using the attributes as users define them – No need to memorise the entire symbol library!