
Transportation Solutions: Attaining Insights through Integration of Transportation Enterprises

Rolta offers a solution which gives users a complete view of their roadway network, assets, projects and any other data that can be associated with a given point on the roadway.

The ability to mine for data in real-time and display it both spatially and in a tabular format is a powerful tool needed at all levels of Transportation agencies to support decision-making. Rolta’s Geospatial Fusion for Transportation solution allows for both executives and staff of transportation agencies to have access to the information needed to support day-to-day business operations as well as proactively address cross functional information integration issues.

The solution offers a single, map based system interface for viewing all critical information needed to make quality decisions. This solution provides immediate access to data locked up in stove-piped applications, which can then be made available to support cross functional processes and for key performance indicators and analytics.. The solution can also be used to integrate directly with critical agency systems such as financial, asset management and maintenance management systems so that information can be fused for agency users. In addition, as data is used across multiple departments, inaccuracies are identified which can be corrected, leading to better decision making. Only minimal training is required to bring users on-line

Geospatial Fusion for Transportation can be deployed to solve a specific business need but also has the scalability to provide the back bone for enterprise wide web based Transportation solutions. Rolta’s service delivery capability is especially robust featuring both turn-key and project based consulting, design, implementation and data services. Together these solutions and services provide the ideal combination to help organizations of all sizes improve productivity and performance through enterprise wide insight.