
IP Security Solutions (IP-Sec™)

Rolta’s IP Security principle of “defense in depth” means protection by multiple layers of security controls to ensure required security outcomes

To remain competitive and viable in today’s business world, organizations demands greater efficiency, security and regulatory compliance.
Understanding the true security need is the biggest challenges every industry is facing. Security cannot be just defined using an industry leading product or solution; it requires combination of solutions build on top of products with right sets of processes and people.

The industry is facing major challenge around growing identities & data in meshed heterogeneous network/system, which is prone to recurring data theft & cyber-attacks. Identification, classification of sensitive data such as Intellectual Property (IP, financial data, marketing data, Strategy presentation & customer information) moves horizontally across organizational boundaries. The typical challenges CISO/CIO team is facing around defining solution is to prevent IP theft and ensuring that it is getting noticed.

Rolta specializes in transforming Security operations to complement business directions and priorities, and ensure confidentiality of IT services consistently and effectively. We provide results that dramatically improve collaboration between users, applications and technology components, generating significant value for any business and creating competitive advantage.

Our ability to see the big picture is backed by rock solid skills and expertise that encompasses data modelling, Business process understanding, End-to-end Security and architecture framework. Rolta has developed a unique solution framework using combination of leading security solution along with Rolta Security Advizer™ & Rolta iPerspective Suite™ for Risk assessment /Governance framework along with Fine grained Data Security module for Enterprise User Security.

• Enables organizations to achieve operational excellence
• 360° Security Enterprise Security Landscape
• Improve Agility and develop Compliance ecosystem
• Prioritizes Investment