
Rolta OneView™ for Transportation

Deliver on Key Outcomes
Rolta OneView for Transportation allows metropolitan, state and federal transportation organizations understand their current data as it relates to the key outcomes they are being measured on. Transportation organizations are being increasingly asked to focus on outcomes such as congestion reduction, infrastructure condition improvement, system reliability, freight system performance as well as enhanced project and program delivery. Using a combination of spatial and advanced analytics, it allows organizations to drill down and understand specific problem areas that need to be addressed to demonstrate progress. Using a combination of predictive analytics and scenario analysis, it also helps organizations understand where they are going to be based on active projects and program options and specifically which investments will give them the biggest bang for the buck.

Gain Deeper Insights
ROLTA OneView™ combines highway and urban transportation domain knowledge with the power of BI and Data analytics to provide dashboards with detailed drilldowns on related KPIs for congestion, pavements, bridges, capital budgets, safety, transit performance and effectiveness; etc.

Rolta OneView™ can serve both as a strategic planning tool as well as a performance monitoring tool to allow transportation executives keep track of things that matter most to them. In addition to intuitive dashboards, analysts can use self-service capabilities of the platform, to conduct data discovery and analytics to meet their needs.

Save time and resources
With pre-built Transportation-specific knowledge model, analytics and connectors, ROLTA OneView™ enables faster ROI through rapid deployment in weeks. Combining the power of best of breed BI and Analytics platforms ROLTA OneView™ provides powerful and highly actionable role-based intelligence at lower TCO.

ROLTA OneView™ offers unique value proposition for transport organizations enabling them to deliver on strategic outcomes.

  • Deep integrated insights into overall transportation networks, operations, engineering, maintenance, environment and safety
  • Bird’s eye view of the overall status – projects under planning, under construction, in operations and additional capacities required, against a backdrop of geospatial intelligence.
  • Rolta OneView™ provides 360-degree information flow, bringing together data supporting traffic, transit, safety, finance, assets, EAMS, PMS, BMS, land use, and other areas across the organization
  • Cost monitoring and optimization through effective utilization of financial assets, operating and capital expenses for – policy and planning, road user safety, highways management