Product Sheets

Rolta Safety & Security solutions

A quick overview of Rolta Safety & Security solutions.


What’s new in OnPoint 7.5

Some compelling reasons to upgrade to OnPoint 7.5


ROLTA OnPoint 7.5 Release Notes

These release notes include last-minute developments and a list of known and resolved issues. For software and hardware requirements and general installation and upgrade instructions for OnPoint 7.5, see the OnPoint 7.5 Installation Guide, which you can access in the installation area designated by OnPoint Support Services.


ROLTA OnPointTM Feature comparison between OnPoint 7.5 and previous versions

Rolta OnPointTM is a full-featured spatial integration web application with the ability to be configured to support business processes across unlimited business functions.


ROLTA OnPointTM Product Life Cycle Plan Feature and Support Deprecation Schedule 2012

The purpose of this document is to keep administrators of The purpose of this document is to keep administrators of ROLTA OnPoint™ informed of all planned changes to product features and support for adjacent OnPoint technologies


Rolta Situation Awareness System


Rolta Battalion Level Sensor Integration System

with high-tech sensors like UGS,HHTIs and NFSRs, the Infantry Battalions now have the means to generate and use real time / near real time ‘INT’ to enhance their operational effectiveness.


Night Vision Binocular


Rolta IRS Sensor

The Rolta Satellite Triangulation includes rational function models developed to compensate for distortions and produce satellite stereo Models for high resolution and low resoltuion sensors.


Rolta Integrated Command Information and Decision Support System

Rolta Enterprise 3D Military GIS solution address the domain specific requirements for Operation, Intelligence and Operation Logistic in a C31 environment.
